PERFORMANCE RANGE INSTALLATION AND USE • Flow rate up to 160 l/min (9.6 m³/h) Suitable for use with clean water and with liquids that are not • Head up to 57 m chemically aggressive towards the materials from which the pump is made. Because they are reliable and easy to use these pumps are widely used in domestic and civil applications such as the distribution of water in combination with small and medium sized APPLICATION LIMITS pressure tanks, for transferring liquids and for the irrigation of • Manometric suction lift up to 7 m gardens and orchards. • Liquid temperature between -10 °C and +90 °C The pump should be installed in an enclosed environment or • Ambient temperature up to +40 °C sheltered from inclement weather. • Max. working pressure: – 6 bar for CP 600-610-620 – 10 bar for CP 650-660-670 PATENTS – TRADE MARKS – MODELS • Continuous service S1 • Registered EU Design n. 002098434 CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS OPTIONS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST EN 60335-1 EN 60034 -1 IEC 60335-1 IEC 60034 -1 • Pump with technopolymer impeller (CP600X, CP610X, CP620X) CEI 61-150 CEI 2-3 • Special mechanical seal • Other voltages • IP X5 class protection for CP 650-660-670 CERTIFICATIONS Company with management system certified DNV ISO 9001: QUALITY GUARANTEE ISO 14001: ENVIRONMENT 2 years subject to terms and conditions